I have always been attracted to everything that is unique, handmade, with strong personality and aesthetic.
This aspect has been inherent in my musical, timbral and instrumental research since the early years of my professional career.
I have always thought that every musician has his own characteristics, his characteristics and his expressive needs, and the instrument must meet, reflect and can also determine needs.

In 2014 I started my collaboration with the luthier and guitarist M°. Pasquale Lodato becoming endorser and co-designer of the Chitarre Lodato brand.
Thanks to the personal feeling and the desire for growth and shared research, which became a sincere friendship, we developed different models and perfected some that were already present in the lutherie catalogue.

I bassi elettrici che ho co-progettato e che sono stati realizzati da Chitarre Lodato di Napoli (che consiglio caldamente per qualsiasi personalizzazione desideri su bassi o chitarre) sono frutto di uno studio accurato e meticoloso sullo strumento. Se sei un bassista jazz ti invito a chiedermi maggiori informazioni su questi bassi custom e saprò consigliarti eventuali modifiche in base alla tua personalità musicale.

chitarre lodato, liuteria in bari
corsi di basso jazz bari
“Antonello Losacco è un musicista che è sempre un passo avanti, e questo suo modo di concepire la musica e gli strumenti musicali che usa o vorrebbe usare (perché non esistono ancora) ha da subito messo solide radici al nostro rapporto di collaborazione professionale, nonché di stima personale.
Ho conosciuto Antonello circa 8 anni fa, quando da Bari raggiunse il mio laboratorio in provincia di Napoli, perché incuriosito dal mio modo di lavorare… Grazie a lui, ai suoi consigli, alle sue idee musicali riversate sugli strumenti, posso dire con immensa soddisfazione, di essere cresciuto tanto a livello professionale perché è stato sempre in grado di stimolare la mia creatività.
Come già detto, è una persona che stimo tantissimo sia a livello umano che musicale e professionale: sono davvero onorato di mettere il mio lavoro e le mie conoscenze di liuteria al suo servizio: sapere che i miei strumenti sono di stimolo per le sue creazioni musicali per me è sincero motivo di orgoglio.”
(M° Pasquale Lodato, liutaio e musicista)
basso elettrico 5 corde zen 5


The "Zen-5" model was the first project addressed; the idea was to introduce on the market a low price "entry level" with a series of constructive and design solutions that are normally found on instruments of much higher end.

Lightness, comfort, smoothness of the handle (with 24 keys) solid body sigle cut, finger ramp, two single coil pick ups and passive electronics (volume and tone). The model was born with 5 strings to give you the range to explore the various tuning possibilities of tuning (BEADG or EADGC).

basso elettrico jazz liuteria sei corde

Zen Belcanto

The Model "Zen Belcanto" is a 6-string bass, that combined the initial ideas of the Zen-5 with a "semi-hollow" body (semi-acoustic) an active 3-way electronics, the single pick up Q-Tuner, the 26-key handle and the "Bridge Fretless" (wooden saddles at the bridge that allow a tone similar to the low fretless, while maintaining the perfect intonation). Cherry on top, the choice of fine woods.

The result is an instrument with acoustic nuances and unique and recognizable timbre, precisely an instrument able to "sing".

basso elettrico belcanto jazz liuteria

Zen Belcanto 2.0

The "Zen Belcanto 2.0" model maintains the same constructive characteristics of the Belcanto, but with the addition of the pick-up to the handle and the replacement of the "bridge fretless", with a classic bridge with steel saddles; as a final touch, the addition of the Hipshot Xtender D tuner to the sixth string is able to bring the Low B note to the extending further the registers.

The Belcanto 2.0 has a greater tonal versatility and adapts to the modern professional, aiming to a multi-stylistic use.

basso elettrico liuteria bari


The Model "Woodvider" is a 6-string headless bass, semi-acoustic, with a reduced body and 33" scale (instead of 34"). Perfectly balanced, with sliding handle with 24 keys and double pick up system plus electric piezo (single in each harness of the bridge). With its weight just over 3 kg it is an instrument with characteristics suitable for many contexts especially excellent for jazz and acoustic music in general. With smooth strings it won’t make you regret vintage instruments. It has a very deep sound, three-dimensional in addition to its boutique comfort.

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